
Main Points:
1. I like sleep.
2. Sleep can be put in the category of chaos vs. peace.
3. Perhaps I want to be tired, which causes sleepiness.
4. Sleep is a need without reason.
In the midst of chasing chaos and confusion, I seem to always be behind on sleep. I find sleep to be one of the most fascinating things in the world. It's as if we need to step outside of this world for a while before we can come back in, hopefully refreshed.
I would defiantely qualify myself as a huge proponent of sleep. I just wonder how much should I define my life by it? Should we adapt ourselves to no sleep. (My freshman year I was able to stay up till 4 all the time). Or should I live a balanced life where sleep is a strong part of my life.
I see this as being part of the bigger picture of chaos vs growth. That said, sleep is really a mental state. Perhaps I want to be sleepy? Perhaps I want to believe I am being worked hard. I will have to ponder on that some time.
But one thing I know for certain is that sleep is one of those things that everyone persues. Like food and water, sleep is a necessity. Its just so wonderful because its not obvious why we need it. A need without a rational, how beautiful.
I'm going to end with one of my favorite taoist quotes butchered up of course:
"Why is it so much easier to enter into the sleep world than leave it?"