The Energy of Music

1. Music creates energy between us.
2. This energy is emphasized during live concerts.
3. This energy is strangely dependent on comprehending words:
4. Perhaps we should look at conversations and discussions not on the content, word level, but on the higher energy level.
Why do we enjoy going to concerts? Why would we pay $80 to listen to music that we can hardly hear or make sense of the words, have to stand for hours on end, and have a ringing tone in our ears for the next 2 days? I have an answer for this question: the energy of music.
I once attended a "edge of science" conference where a theory was presented to me: perhaps there is a common frequency among us. I'd like to extend this theory and propose that there is a common energy among us, an energy that can be brought out. When this energy is inspired, I have found that my passion increases, my awareness of my outer self transcends, and my purpose seems to be complet when this energy is tapped.
One theory I have is that music brings out this energy. In fact I once defined "love" as what my relationship is with music, that which gives me energy. From listening to a CD, playing the piano, to going to a concert I definately get put into a semi-trance when music is around me. That said, there's definately a difference in the amount of energy I get from the music. Listening to Coldplay on CD and listening to it live with 5,000 people around me is quite a different experience.
I write about this topic this week because I just went to a Motesyahu concert last night. Motesyahu is a Jewish regae rap star. As I've stated before, I don't really understand hebrew and to add to that list I do not really like reggae or rap, though Bob Marley now and then is never that bad. So here I was at a concert with 10 other kids I didn't really know (met them at Shabat) and listening to words that made sense to me. But the funny thing was that I definately got a deep sense of energy.
Now I'm going to go into some bizzare stuff that you will probably think crazy. I think you can give out a positive energy and a negative energy, regardless of whether the audience hears it. Motesyahu was clearly sending out positive vibes. I was feeling it throughout the whole crowd. I felt the uplifiting of purpose and outer self. So what is so significant about that?
I didn't know the words! The energy was not from knowing what Motesyahu stood for, what he preached, or his purpose. It came from something else. Perhaps it comes from everyone celebrating together. Perhaps it comes from Motesyahu's passion. I don't know. But this brings up an interesting thought. I can't stand most of Eminem's music because he is so negative. What if I didn't understand it at all? Would I enjoy that energy? Would I recieve it as a positive note? On the other hand what if I translated Motesyahu and found his words to be negative and demeaning. Would I still enjoy Motesyahu?
Now, if you are like me, the answers to this are very blury. I guess what I can conclude from this is actually quite significant. Perhaps words hide meaning. Perhaps we speak a global language, share a global passion and energy. Perhaps if we look past the words we will hear this energy? Try sometime to admire a conversation not for what comes out of it content wise but for the fact that it simply exists and energy is emitted.