Love vs. Time (Round1)

Love vs. Time
1. The more we love, the less control we have over time.
2. The more we attention we pay to time, the less passionate our life is.
3. With the dynamic competition of love vs. time, we are able to live a balanced life.
4. Time is required to understand how to Love, making it impossible to exist fully in love.
So to start this out, I would like to state its September 8th. I checked my calender on my computer and its official. Until tongiht, I did not even know we were in September. Today, I was writing a check, I asked the clerk what the date was, he told me the 7th, and it took me a very long while to figure out that the months have changed!
Normally, life is not like this. There are times when I am counting down the days, and waiting for the next big day. Not now. Why not? Why am I not paying attention to time?
The answer is love.
Love is way to vague, so let me specify. When you love you follow your passion. In a strong way you become what you are loving. I love math. When I am doing it, my entire existence is centered around that triple integral. All of a sudden the world disapears, my thoughts and emotions diesapear, I become one with the equation. Cheesy, I know, but it shows you what I'm talking about when I talk about love: passion.
So my passion has been on FIRE lately. I've been attending some amazing classes that ignite my mind. More importantly, I have been touching so many wonderful lives in the College Inn. Reuniting with old friends has been a highlight of many of my nights, as well. I spend my days going from one great thing to another with hardly a break.
So as you can see, my passion and love have kept me distracted and occupied. And that's exactly what happens, when we are living our lives full of love, we lose sight of the past and the future. We are surrounded by the moment. And that is quite a wonderful feeling.
So is living a love life the way to go? Perhaps. But know there are consequences:
Without time, I do not reflect on my past. Are there behaviors that I should modify? I am too distracted to tell.
Without time I do not make plans for the future? How can I enjoy my classes if I forget to sign up for them?
So as you can see, while leaving a life full of love would be amazing, its not too practical. So in practicality its best to live a life where we are focused on time and passion.
That said, Taoist texts always point to leaving a loveful life: living in the moment. If a person lives in the moment they are one with the tao, which rocks!
That said I'm going to produce a little paradox for becoming one with the tao. It's going to assume 2 things discussed.
1. We should strive to live in the moment, full of love.
2. To learn to love, we must reflect on ourselves and dedicate our time on focusing on becoming one with the moment.
This blog provides an excelent background to this problem. I write this blog to help me understand who I am and better understand my own passions. To do this I spend a lot of time thinking about my past days and who I want to be in the future. Notice lots of TIME. Also, notice this dedication to time is to help me learn to LOVE.
So to learn to love more I must have a grip on time. But if I want a grip on time, I must focus my life and not live in chaotic passion.
The closer we live in passion, the less focused we are on ourselves and our growth, making it near impossible to grow out of this stage.
Is there anyway we can learn to love that does not focus so much on time?
Perhaps if we have a love for learning to love?