Negativity in Philosiphy

Main Points:
1. Philosiphy in general is negative as it focuses on problems.
2. Negativity lacks the insperation and creativity of life.
3. I'm going to try to shape this blog to a more positive side of things.
Note, this is a day late because a student got arrested in College Inn last night. That's the rule, if a student gets arrested, I don't write a blog. (I actually wrote one but it got deleted in the midst of action).
My mom brought up this point while reading my previous articles. They are very negative. And that struck me as odd, because I am a very positive person, probably too positive if anything. But when I write about philosiphy it's negative. Now there is the obvious reason, I'm writing at 1 in the morning and I am freaking tired. But I think there is another reason, and that's what I wanted to ponder on today. Philosiphy survives off of negative attitudes.
My theory is that religion/philosiphy answer problems. Ethics answer questions like: how should we treat the environemnt? How do we deal with immigration? The deeper questions in life seem to revolve around our lack of purpose and motivation: What is the meaning of life? How should one live a "good" life? etc. Religion answers problems of our fear: What happens when I die? Why do bad people go unpunished? How was I created?
Now these are some big questions. As a thinker, believe you me, I have thought of these a bit too much myself, especially when it comes to girls. I could write a whole book on the philosiphy of thinking about dating without actually really doing it. But I'm going to challenge philosiphy. Why should we focus on the "problems". Most often, the solutions come out of, not thought, but creativity and insperation. Perhaps if philisophy does a little more celebrating, pondering on what is good, and dancing with life, the other problems will solve themselves.
I would love to read the philosiphy of fun. How does one have fun? Now I've been asking that question since I was a kid. But it doesn't get answered because its not a problem. Perhaps if we pondered on that a little more, the rest would come together.
So I guess I'm issuing a challenge to myself and to philosiphy in general. Focus on the good. If you have a really bad day, sure, focus on it. But some time life doesn't need answers, it just needs to celebrate.
So because of my mom, I have already shifted the perspective of this blog to a positive side. I'm going to look at the good side of things. We'll see where that goes.