Essence vs. Existance
1. From being completely happy, I have tried to live a life of Essence.
2. This goal has been rocky and difficult and I currently seek the comfort of others and physical purpose to help me (existance).
3. Ultimately, I need to admit that my chaotic quest for essence is my choice and is therefor not worth agonizing over.
Random Fact of the day:
I and Katie found a bug in my room. Apparantly its a stink bug. We named it Burp which is short for my Burning Passion. This came about as we were talking about love and an arsinist had set the fire alarms off that night.
My Freshman year I discovered pure, 100% happiness. It was weird. It seemed my entire life had culmulated to a single point of happiness. I was being challenged, I was free from my parents and stress, I had my first girlfriend, and I had amazing friends.
So I was laying in my bed in complete happiness, which lasted for about 5 minutes, and then I asked myself. Ok. What now? I mean this is boring. Even though I am living a super happy life, I am missing something.
That one experience has led me on quite a journey for the last two years. I don't persue happiness. And the persuit of happiness is quite a little journey that I decided to skip out on.
So what has taken it's place. A persuit of Essence. (Essence is purpose and passion). And that's been hard. Real hard.
And the funny part about persuing this purpose is that its always changing. Just when you think you are on track, think its all figured out, that's when you start to take another turn in your life. And its frustrating. Real frustrating.
So I will live a life of ever changing essenence. Period. But I guess that's not neccessarily what I'm seeking. I'm seeking stability in this. I would like to know, no matter where my essence is that day, there is something I can rely on.
I've started depending more on friends. I justify my existance somedays through getting my homework done. As you can tell, there is a strong urge in me to find that stable girlfriend.
And the funny thing is, I'm not going to find that stability. As I've discovered recently, I persue chaos. My previous relationships have always ended when things were getting comfortable. I have 500+ friends but know none of them real well. My academics always seem pointless.
So I guess you are right. I'm seeking something I do not internally want. So I guess I am at a path on the road and can't choose. Do I want to change my essence to live a life of security, not persuing a greater purpose? Or do I want to change my existance to better help me persue my essence?
I've already decided essence as you can probably guess. I'm sure I will continue to complain about being lonely and living a life of extreme mystery. But I need to add one thing to the end of that. I choose to live that way.
2. This goal has been rocky and difficult and I currently seek the comfort of others and physical purpose to help me (existance).
3. Ultimately, I need to admit that my chaotic quest for essence is my choice and is therefor not worth agonizing over.
Random Fact of the day:
I and Katie found a bug in my room. Apparantly its a stink bug. We named it Burp which is short for my Burning Passion. This came about as we were talking about love and an arsinist had set the fire alarms off that night.
My Freshman year I discovered pure, 100% happiness. It was weird. It seemed my entire life had culmulated to a single point of happiness. I was being challenged, I was free from my parents and stress, I had my first girlfriend, and I had amazing friends.
So I was laying in my bed in complete happiness, which lasted for about 5 minutes, and then I asked myself. Ok. What now? I mean this is boring. Even though I am living a super happy life, I am missing something.
That one experience has led me on quite a journey for the last two years. I don't persue happiness. And the persuit of happiness is quite a little journey that I decided to skip out on.
So what has taken it's place. A persuit of Essence. (Essence is purpose and passion). And that's been hard. Real hard.
And the funny part about persuing this purpose is that its always changing. Just when you think you are on track, think its all figured out, that's when you start to take another turn in your life. And its frustrating. Real frustrating.
So I will live a life of ever changing essenence. Period. But I guess that's not neccessarily what I'm seeking. I'm seeking stability in this. I would like to know, no matter where my essence is that day, there is something I can rely on.
I've started depending more on friends. I justify my existance somedays through getting my homework done. As you can tell, there is a strong urge in me to find that stable girlfriend.
And the funny thing is, I'm not going to find that stability. As I've discovered recently, I persue chaos. My previous relationships have always ended when things were getting comfortable. I have 500+ friends but know none of them real well. My academics always seem pointless.
So I guess you are right. I'm seeking something I do not internally want. So I guess I am at a path on the road and can't choose. Do I want to change my essence to live a life of security, not persuing a greater purpose? Or do I want to change my existance to better help me persue my essence?
I've already decided essence as you can probably guess. I'm sure I will continue to complain about being lonely and living a life of extreme mystery. But I need to add one thing to the end of that. I choose to live that way.